November 3, 2008


English Title: Dogville
Lars Von Trier, UK, 2003, imdb
Review: 4.0 Uchuvas
Comment: It's great to see new ideas in films! This movie is a great case of creativity. It's a tough movie but the crazy set proposal is so great that the movie is worth watching only for that. I enjoyed very much how I had to get use to believe in a scenography that "didn't" exist, how to believe that a private space didn't need any wall around it;  in the end you  are totally free to create in your mind your own set if need it. You can propose your own walls, paths, colors, materials, surely very different from the ones any other will create.  It's tough looking at a movie with no set but some how it's not disturbing at all in the end!  Great proposal, great film!

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